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Influencing Positive Change

Inspire. Motivate. Empower.


The mission of Passion of Purpose is to Inspire, Motivate, & Empower others to discover the passion of a life of purpose.

Five Terms


Our mission is founded on five words which together embody everything we stand for. These five terms are Inspire, Enthusiasm, Pursuit, Passion, & Purpose. These are not just terms in the dictionary, these are our terms of war!


Inspire comes from Latin, and it means to breathe truth into someone. It is our goal at Passion of Purpose to speak words of truth and life to all who wish to hear them. We believe the cliche that the truth shall set you free, and we believe that in truth, we find healing and hope for humanity. We commit ourselves to inspire.


Enthusiasm is Greek, and it means to be possessed by God! It's about being focused, energized, and empowered. Enthusiastic people throw themselves into what they do as if possessed by divine power. We desire to inspire enthusiasm in our listeners, because it gets the job done. We commit ourselves to enthusiasm.


As a quote from Hector and the Search for Happiness puts it, "We should concern ourselves not so much with the pursuit of happiness, but with the happiness of pursuit." We believe in the journey. We believe in the adventure. We want those we influence to embrace the pursuit, for presence is all we really have. We commit ourselves to pursuit.


Passion is also Latin, meaning simply "to suffer." The type of suffering we're after is the sort that gives you a reason to get up in the morning; it's something that, if you don't do it or do something about it, it becomes a burning flame inside you, that grows and growls until you can't hold it back anymore. We aim to develop that kind of suffering here. We commit ourselves to passion.


We believe that every person has a purpose. We believe that there are dreams hardwired into our DNA. Our pursuit, our passion, is for you to discover a life of purpose, for in a life of purpose we realize significance. Although we believe everyone has a unique purpose to dream, discover, and develop, we believe that every purpose is founded in service. Every person's purpose is to serve. "Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve" -Martin Luther King Jr. We commit ourselves to purpose.

Three Methods


The Passion of Purpose Group has several media through which we will acheive our goals. As our organization delevops, we intend to add to this list to create a powerful, synergistic blend of influential services. 



Colton Stollenmaier began his public speaking career at the age of 12 (read more in Colton's Bio). Since then, he's been passionate about delivering uplifting, disruptive, and life-altering motivational content to every audience he addresses. Of all his passions, Colton burns the most for this one. 

Colton has always had a passion for writing, and writing well. He developed the skill of creative and clear writing from a young age, and has always found weilding the weapon of words to be a powerful and proper suit for him. He yearns to use this weapon to break break down doors of ignorance and prejudice and shatter chains of injustice, to encourage growth and development and promote peace and harmony.

We've all been on the path of personal development throughout our lives, although we may not have known to call it that. Many of us have taken missteps along the way, some of us are lost, and still others stopped moving altogether a long time ago. We offer an unparalleled personal development curriculum that serves as a lifelong companion on your personal growth journey. This curriculum is constantly evolving, and connects you with a poweful group of individuals who are living their lives on purpose!

As part of our efforts of empowerment, we seek to support individuals and groups who embody our mission. We develop campaigns to support people who are trying to acheive their dreams through a life of service. When we discover such causes, we create PoP Projects as opportunities for us to rally behind one another.


There is a bright and powerful future ahead of Passion of Purpose. In addition to the media listed above, we have plans to unravel incredible new services to influence positive change in the coming years. We're really tempted to share more, but you'll just have to wait and see!

One Vision


Inspire Motivate Empower



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