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Inspiring Your Own Breakthrough, part 3

Karen Crespo is an inspiration. Her story is universally appealing to individuals in all languages and all cultures around the planet. We all can be inspired when we encounter someone who has overcome difficult odds or mastered control over some challenging aspect of their lives. Why is this?

Inspiration raises the frequency of energy inside the observer. Modern quantum physics has shown, repeatedly, that everything in the known universe is comprised of energy, and that energy is intelligent. What appears as a solid physical universe is actually incredibly small, bundled groups of electrical charges that have, for the most part, no mass at all. This energy is comprised of information that helps create the logic and order of the known and unknown universe. It shapes our experience, as well as the experience of everything - living and non-living, known and unknown. It is in constant communication with other units of intelligent energy through what quantum physicists call the "zero-point field."

Everything communicates through the zero-point field at all times. This energy is non-local, which means it can be potentially anywhere at anytime. Our entire ability to comprehend and understand the world around is due to the exchange of energetic information to and from the zero-point field. It is the currency of life.

In reality, empty space isn't empty - it's filled with energy and information. What we can't see is that the universe is a teaming, ordered storm of energy not bound by space or time. Your energy is always communicating, based on the directions you give it through the intentions you choose. You send and receive messages that are representations of your impressions and feelings. It is through this interaction that inspiration is transferred.

It's the same principal as striking a tuning fork in the vicinity of other tuning forks; those with similar frequencies begin vibrating automatically. You become inspired when these messages vibrate sympathetically with the energy deep inside of you. So, when you witness an inspiring event, you can feel yourself resonating with the specific frequencies of compassion, empathy, kindness and love. Your personal vibration increases and feels good, because it moves you in a more life-supportive direction.

Karen Crespo has been dealt a difficult deck of cards in life. We've all had some degree of suffering in our experience, so we can relate on some level with her frustration and despair. Her choice to move beyond this, by participating in life rather than shrinking away from it, affects us in positive, affirming ways. Karen's choices, resulting in her actions, cause her to vibrate at a very high frequency. And, although this is basically invisible to us, we feel it, we interact with it and become inspired by it. As a means to an end, we have the opportunity to apply this higher energy to our lives in any way we choose.

Ultimately, inspiration is a way to directly experience The Source. Humans universally respond to it because The Source is reflected within it. When we think, decide and act in inspiring ways, we raise our personal vibration frequency. The higher we vibrate, the more in sync with The Source we become.

As a practical matter, inspiration is a primary means of positively influencing others. As a life skills tool, your use of inspiration is one of the most important, and most effective. It is unmatched as a leadership style, and when married with kindness creates unsurpassed loyalty among followers.

So if you desire to be a leader in your relationships, business, family, friends, circle of influence, community, state or country, find ways to inspire others. Observe the vibration increase in those around you, and see what happens to your credibility and status in the group. Make inspiration a habit and watch the people around you grow in number. Take special note of how amazing this feels. Do this often and it will change your life for the better.

When in doubt, inspire.

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