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Waiting for “The Shift”

“I look forward to being older, when what you look like becomes less and less an issue and what you are is the point.” –Susan Sarandon

The late Dr. Wayne W. Dyer developed a beautiful film entitled The Shift. In this film, he discussed the concept of a crystallizing point in life he called “The Shift”, when priorities are rearranged and life gets refocused. While I definitely agree with this concept, there are two vital qualifications that need to be made.

1: Refocusing your worldview is not a matter of age or experience. Absolutely, both help to guide the shifts in mindset and perspective, but you don’t have to wait for them for it to happen.

2: Refocusing your worldview is a matter of choice. As I said, you don’t have to wait for it. And if all you do is wait for it, it’s never going to happen. You have to decide to refocus your life and go in search of something more.

It might be a magical moment on a mountain peak, but you have to climb the mountain first. It might me a meditational revelation, but you have to practice meditation first. Playing the game of waiting for age to change you will find you a stubborn old fool. The same storm will drown one and wash another.

So, Miss Sarandon, I love what you’re wanting, but my desire looks a little different: “I look toward being wiser, so what I look like becomes less and less an issue and what I am is the point.”

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